Label: Sony Music
Genre: Dance & Electronic
Title: "Frozen", "Never Alone", "Time Out", "Live For The Moment", "Eiskalt", "Moving On", "Danced Into The Moonlight", "Listen", "These Walls", "Gold", "Fly Away", "Snowflakes", "Eiskalt (Ole Van Dansk Remix)", "When I Listen To Music (2-4 Grooves Remix)", "Time Out (Party vs. Stylez 2k12 Remix)", "Fly Away (Malu Projekt Remix)", "When I Listen To Music (Electroganic Remix)", "Time Out (Eve Kain Remix Edit)" & "Eiskalt (Aboutblank&KLC Remix)"
Artist: Dream Dance Alliance
Composer: Sven Greiner, Terry Schaffer & Matthew Tasa
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